Formal CPD Certificates Dental
9.3 Appendix C: Results of search strategy, and data analysis broken down
by country, methodology, quality grading and research area
Figure 1: Results of search strategy
Number of titles identified by search
strategy : 3779
Sample of papers:
Number of studies excluded:
1 Contained no human data = 1
2 Was a meeting abstract, opinion piece, editorial, commentary, or letter = 23
3 Did not include dentists/ dental care professionals = 0
4 Did not include dental training or education = 0
5 Did not evaluate an educational activity = 0
6 Published prior to 1981 = 8
7 Did not apply to GDC research questions = 12
8 Did not include at least 15 fully trained dentists/ dental care professionals = 0
9 Involved quality improvement without an educational activity = 0
10 Not written in English = 0
Total: 44
* 1 abstract not accessible
8 papers were not accessible in the time available
5 additional papers identified from cited references
Abstract review:
EMBASE®: (40)
MEDLINE®: (101 – non duplicated studies )
Cochrane CENTRAL: (0)
Total abstracts reviewed: 140 *
1 additional paper identified from SME consultation
Table 1: Numbers of papers by country and methodology
Criteria Number of Papers
UK based 52
Non UK based 42
Randomised sample 41
Convenience sample 43
Focus groups 1
Qualitative interviews 2
Other* 25
Table 2: Numbers of papers by quality grading
Criteria Number of Papers
Quality rating 1: 1
Quality rating 2: 6
Quality rating 3: 20
Quality rating 4: 25
Quality rating 5: 42
Table 3: Summary of the number of papers (n=94) by the four research areas
Research areas Total No. papers found Total No. Papers 1-3 No. Papers by Quality Grading
Models of CPD
26 Quality grading 1: n=1 Quality grading 2: n=5 Quality grading 3: n=20
Regulatory purposes of CPD
0 Quality grading 1: n=0 Quality grading 2: n=0 Quality grading 3: n=0
CPD participation
9 Quality grading 1:n=0 Quality grading 2:n=2 Quality grading 3: n=7
CPD and performance
0 Quality grading 1:n=0 Quality grading 2: n=0 Quality grading 3:n=0
9.4 Appendix D: Outcome of SME consultation process
The table below describes the outcomes of the SME consultation process. Relevant Organisation Subject Matter Experts Literature Identified Faculty of General Dental Practice, The Royal College of Surgeons of England Virginia Wykes Head of Education / Deputy Registrar No grey literature identified The Committee of Postgraduate Dental Deans and Directors Professor Chris Franklin Chair Wright and Franklin (2007). The use of significant event analysis and personal development plans in developing CPD: a pilot study. British Dental Journal. 203, 43 - 47 2007 South Yorkshire and East Midlands Course statistics (PowerPoint presentation) General Medical Council Richard Marchant Assistant Director – Regulation Continuing Professional Development The international Perspective G Murgatroyd July 2011 General Optical Council Linda Kennaugh Head of Education & Standards No grey literature identified National Clinical Assessment Service Professor Pauline McAvoy Associate Director (Assessment Development) No grey literature identified British Dental Association Ulrike Mattheus No grey literature identified Dental Practitioners Association Derek Watson Chief Executive Officer No grey literature identified British Association of Dental Nurses Pam Swain Chief Executive Officer BADN Members Guide to CPD British Society of Dental Hygiene and Therapy Marina Harris Immediate Past President No grey literature identified British Association of Clinical Dental Technology Richard Daniels Chief Executive No grey literature identified The Cardiff Unit for Research and Evaluation in Medical and Dental Education Professor Alison Bullock No grey literature identified Centre for Research in Medical and Dental Education (CRMDE). School of Education. University of Birmingham Dr Vickie Firmstone No grey literature identified Council of European Chief Dental Officers Dr Paul Boom President No grey literature identified British Association of Dental Therapists Bal Chana President No grey literature identified Northern Ireland Dr Davis Hussey Postgraduate Dental Dean Influence of a Postgraduate Course on Quality of Endodontics - a Pilot Study. Hussey D, Killough S, McCaughey D, Humphreys M. Poster presentation: IADR
2006 Scotland Margie Taylor Chief Dental Officer who Referred to Dr Ann Walsh NHS Education in Scotland (NES) Draft NES CPD Strategy and List of grey literature
9.5 Appendix E: Academy of Medical Royal Colleges
Principles of CPD – The Ten Principles for College Faculty Schemes
1. An individual’s CPD activities should be planned in advance through a personal development plan, and should reflect and be relevant to his or her current and future profile of professional practice and performance. These activities should include continuing professional development outside narrower specialty interests.
2. CPD should include activities both within and outside the employing institution, where there is one, and a balance of learning methods which include a component of active learning. Participants will need to collect evidence to record this process, normally using a structured portfolio cataloguing the different activities. This portfolio will be reviewed as part of appraisal and revalidation.
3. College/Faculty CPD schemes should be available to all members and fellows and, at reasonable cost, to non-members and fellows who practise in a relevant specialty.
4. Normally, credits given by Colleges/Faculties for CPD should be based on one credit equating to one hour of educational activity. The minimum required should be an average of 50 per year. Credits for un-timed activities such as writing, reading and e-learning should be justified by the participant or should be agreed between the provider(s) and College/Faculty directors of CPD.
5. Self-accreditation of relevant activities and documented reflective learning should be allowed and encouraged.
6. Formal approval/accreditation of the quality of educational activities for CPD by Colleges/Faculties should be achieved with minimum bureaucracy and with complete reciprocity between Colleges/ Faculties for all approved activities. The approval/accreditation process and criteria should be such as to ensure the quality and likely effectiveness of the activity.
7. Self-accreditation of educational activities will require evidence. This may be produced as a documented reflection. Formal CPD certificates of attendance at meetings will not be a requirement, but evidence of attendance should be provided, as determined by each individual College or Faculty. Participation in College/Faculty based CPD schemes should normally be confirmed by a regular statement issued to participants which should be based on annually submitted returns, and should be signed off at appraisal.
8. In order to quality assure their CPD system, Colleges/Faculties should fully audit participants’ activities on a random basis. Such peer-based audit should verify that claimed activities have been undertaken and are appropriate. Participants will need to collect evidence to enable this process.
9. Until alternative quality assurance processes are established, the proportion of participants involved in random audit each year should be of a size to give confidence that it is representative and effective. This proportion will vary according to the number of participants in a given scheme.
10. Failure to produce sufficient evidence to support claimed credits will result in an individual’s annual statement being endorsed accordingly for the year involved and the individual subsequently being subject to audit annually for a defined period. Suspected falsification of evidence for claimed CPD activities will call into question the individual’s fitness for revalidation, and may result in referral to the GMC/GDC This list appears in Continuing Professional Development – Guidelines for Recommended Headings under which to Describe a College or Faculty CPD Scheme (Academy of Medical; Royal Colleges, 2010) and is reproduced with the kind permission of the AoMRC
by country, methodology, quality grading and research area
Figure 1: Results of search strategy
Number of titles identified by search
strategy : 3779
Sample of papers:
Number of studies excluded:
1 Contained no human data = 1
2 Was a meeting abstract, opinion piece, editorial, commentary, or letter = 23
3 Did not include dentists/ dental care professionals = 0
4 Did not include dental training or education = 0
5 Did not evaluate an educational activity = 0
6 Published prior to 1981 = 8
7 Did not apply to GDC research questions = 12
8 Did not include at least 15 fully trained dentists/ dental care professionals = 0
9 Involved quality improvement without an educational activity = 0
10 Not written in English = 0
Total: 44
* 1 abstract not accessible
8 papers were not accessible in the time available
5 additional papers identified from cited references
Abstract review:
EMBASE®: (40)
MEDLINE®: (101 – non duplicated studies )
Cochrane CENTRAL: (0)
Total abstracts reviewed: 140 *
1 additional paper identified from SME consultation
Table 1: Numbers of papers by country and methodology
Criteria Number of Papers
UK based 52
Non UK based 42
Randomised sample 41
Convenience sample 43
Focus groups 1
Qualitative interviews 2
Other* 25
Table 2: Numbers of papers by quality grading
Criteria Number of Papers
Quality rating 1: 1
Quality rating 2: 6
Quality rating 3: 20
Quality rating 4: 25
Quality rating 5: 42
Table 3: Summary of the number of papers (n=94) by the four research areas
Research areas Total No. papers found Total No. Papers 1-3 No. Papers by Quality Grading
Models of CPD
26 Quality grading 1: n=1 Quality grading 2: n=5 Quality grading 3: n=20
Regulatory purposes of CPD
0 Quality grading 1: n=0 Quality grading 2: n=0 Quality grading 3: n=0
CPD participation
9 Quality grading 1:n=0 Quality grading 2:n=2 Quality grading 3: n=7
CPD and performance
0 Quality grading 1:n=0 Quality grading 2: n=0 Quality grading 3:n=0
9.4 Appendix D: Outcome of SME consultation process
The table below describes the outcomes of the SME consultation process. Relevant Organisation Subject Matter Experts Literature Identified Faculty of General Dental Practice, The Royal College of Surgeons of England Virginia Wykes Head of Education / Deputy Registrar No grey literature identified The Committee of Postgraduate Dental Deans and Directors Professor Chris Franklin Chair Wright and Franklin (2007). The use of significant event analysis and personal development plans in developing CPD: a pilot study. British Dental Journal. 203, 43 - 47 2007 South Yorkshire and East Midlands Course statistics (PowerPoint presentation) General Medical Council Richard Marchant Assistant Director – Regulation Continuing Professional Development The international Perspective G Murgatroyd July 2011 General Optical Council Linda Kennaugh Head of Education & Standards No grey literature identified National Clinical Assessment Service Professor Pauline McAvoy Associate Director (Assessment Development) No grey literature identified British Dental Association Ulrike Mattheus No grey literature identified Dental Practitioners Association Derek Watson Chief Executive Officer No grey literature identified British Association of Dental Nurses Pam Swain Chief Executive Officer BADN Members Guide to CPD British Society of Dental Hygiene and Therapy Marina Harris Immediate Past President No grey literature identified British Association of Clinical Dental Technology Richard Daniels Chief Executive No grey literature identified The Cardiff Unit for Research and Evaluation in Medical and Dental Education Professor Alison Bullock No grey literature identified Centre for Research in Medical and Dental Education (CRMDE). School of Education. University of Birmingham Dr Vickie Firmstone No grey literature identified Council of European Chief Dental Officers Dr Paul Boom President No grey literature identified British Association of Dental Therapists Bal Chana President No grey literature identified Northern Ireland Dr Davis Hussey Postgraduate Dental Dean Influence of a Postgraduate Course on Quality of Endodontics - a Pilot Study. Hussey D, Killough S, McCaughey D, Humphreys M. Poster presentation: IADR
2006 Scotland Margie Taylor Chief Dental Officer who Referred to Dr Ann Walsh NHS Education in Scotland (NES) Draft NES CPD Strategy and List of grey literature
9.5 Appendix E: Academy of Medical Royal Colleges
Principles of CPD – The Ten Principles for College Faculty Schemes
1. An individual’s CPD activities should be planned in advance through a personal development plan, and should reflect and be relevant to his or her current and future profile of professional practice and performance. These activities should include continuing professional development outside narrower specialty interests.
2. CPD should include activities both within and outside the employing institution, where there is one, and a balance of learning methods which include a component of active learning. Participants will need to collect evidence to record this process, normally using a structured portfolio cataloguing the different activities. This portfolio will be reviewed as part of appraisal and revalidation.
3. College/Faculty CPD schemes should be available to all members and fellows and, at reasonable cost, to non-members and fellows who practise in a relevant specialty.
4. Normally, credits given by Colleges/Faculties for CPD should be based on one credit equating to one hour of educational activity. The minimum required should be an average of 50 per year. Credits for un-timed activities such as writing, reading and e-learning should be justified by the participant or should be agreed between the provider(s) and College/Faculty directors of CPD.
5. Self-accreditation of relevant activities and documented reflective learning should be allowed and encouraged.
6. Formal approval/accreditation of the quality of educational activities for CPD by Colleges/Faculties should be achieved with minimum bureaucracy and with complete reciprocity between Colleges/ Faculties for all approved activities. The approval/accreditation process and criteria should be such as to ensure the quality and likely effectiveness of the activity.
7. Self-accreditation of educational activities will require evidence. This may be produced as a documented reflection. Formal CPD certificates of attendance at meetings will not be a requirement, but evidence of attendance should be provided, as determined by each individual College or Faculty. Participation in College/Faculty based CPD schemes should normally be confirmed by a regular statement issued to participants which should be based on annually submitted returns, and should be signed off at appraisal.
8. In order to quality assure their CPD system, Colleges/Faculties should fully audit participants’ activities on a random basis. Such peer-based audit should verify that claimed activities have been undertaken and are appropriate. Participants will need to collect evidence to enable this process.
9. Until alternative quality assurance processes are established, the proportion of participants involved in random audit each year should be of a size to give confidence that it is representative and effective. This proportion will vary according to the number of participants in a given scheme.
10. Failure to produce sufficient evidence to support claimed credits will result in an individual’s annual statement being endorsed accordingly for the year involved and the individual subsequently being subject to audit annually for a defined period. Suspected falsification of evidence for claimed CPD activities will call into question the individual’s fitness for revalidation, and may result in referral to the GMC/GDC This list appears in Continuing Professional Development – Guidelines for Recommended Headings under which to Describe a College or Faculty CPD Scheme (Academy of Medical; Royal Colleges, 2010) and is reproduced with the kind permission of the AoMRC
Formal CPD Certificates Dental
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9:02 AM
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